Darrell Hankins- God and Country

Darrell Hankins is a talented Music Artist known for his unique sound and heartfelt lyrics. With a career spanning over four decades, Darrell has captivated audiences with his soulful voice and powerful performances. Darrell's music is a fusion of country and gospel, creating a sound that is both uplifting and inspiring. Darrell's journey in the music industry has been filled with triumphs and challenges, but his unwavering faith and love for music has kept him going. This new 22 song collection, "God and Country" is a testament of love for both faith in God and Country. Through his heartfelt redemption love songs, Darrell brings together the themes of faith, hope, healing, and love for country. His music has the power to bring people together and touch lives in a profound way. To learn more about Darrell Hankins and his musical journey, click the button below.